
As spring will be coming to a close in just a little over a month, and summer is commencing to start, I want to consider the topic of our dreams. It’s easy to put them on the back burner during the summertime, but it’s also the perfect time to think about our dreams and goals.

What I really want to address is the thing that most often prevents us from going after our dreams! Of course, the stars play their part but, after years of working with clients, I’ve come to realize that our biggest hurdle to realizing our dreams is much closer to home. It’s our own fears! Our fears can create obstacles that can become seemingly unsurmountable. So, to realize our dreams,we have to confront our fears.

The best way to do this is to try to understand and evaluate each of our fears. Most fears are irrational. For instance, some of us are afraid to contact people we don’t know, even if that person can help us realize a dream. Other people may be afraid to start a project or a new job because they have never done anything like it before. This group is afraid of failing. But what they don’t realize is that, by not starting or going through with something, they have already failed. So, in fact, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

This is why I want you to think about the fears that are keeping you from living your dreams. Write them down on a piece of paper, and then next to each fear, write down how you will overcome that fear. For example, if you are afraid to call someone, write down exactly when you will call this person and what you will say. If you are afraid of starting a project, write down what the project is, when you will start it, and all the individual steps that you think it will take to finish this project. The idea is to get you to see ways to overcome the forces that are holding you back.

Too many of us are not living our dreams, because we are allowing our fears to control us. I don’t want you to be one of these people! If you look your fears in the eye, and try to understand what they are, you might begin to understand why you feel so powerless against them.

Identifying our fears is the first step to eliminating them and unlocking our full potential. Do this, and you’ll be taking control over your destiny. I hope you’ll consider my words this week. In the four months left in the year, let’s try to make progress with your fears. Life is too precious not to!

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Now that the weather has warmed up a bit for many of us, we should all be getting outdoors more. The trees are budding and it’s smelling lovely in the mornings, even when the air is still a bit crisp. This is the time of year when lots of people engage in that age-old tradition of “spring cleaning.”

But while you’re busy cleaning out closets and drawers, and clearing away the dust bunnies under the bed, my advice is to also remember to do some spring cleaning on yourself. Now that may make you laugh, but many of us have been taught from an early age to put necessary tasks, as well as others’ needs, before our own. So , each spring I give myself a good spruce up, which I also recommend to my friends and clients, whether that be a simple feng shui of your furnishings or channeling your energies into a new and intriguing hobby.

It’s true that, over the years, the fall and spring seasons have become much shorter, right up through today when it seems like we jump right from winter directly to summer. This is why it’s so important to relish this short season while we can. Enjoying that bright sunshine and the fresh air, I’m reminded of my connection to all things, and it motivates me to spend more time feeding my spirit. This is what I think of as “spring cleaning” for my heart, mind, and soul. Out with the old worries, anxieties, and fears, and in with the new opportunities, new points of view, and fresh perspectives. So, I would urge you to take advantage of the rest of this short season, and delve into your own personal spiritual practices, your own “spring cleaning,” in the way that works best for you.

I hope that you’ll take my advice and treat yourself in some way before spring comes to its quick close. Whether that be a jazzy new haircut, or a jazzy new frame of mind that helps you feel great, a nice little physical or mental perk may be just what you need to feel like a whole new you. And new is what spring is all about! Take on every day as a challenge worth conquering.

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I’ve noticed that the people whose lives are heavily weighed down with responsibility tend to smile and laugh a lot less than those who have fewer concerns. While that observation isn’t particularly surprising, I’m convinced that it doesn’t have to be that way… I’m very fond of a saying attributed to Abraham Lincoln: “People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” I’m a firm believer that if you want to have fun and happiness in your life, you have to choose it and take steps to make it happen!

If you find yourself pretty much in the same routine, continually doing the same old thing, eating the same food regularly, following the same familiar route to work each day, then you’re probably in a rut. One way to combat this monotony is to shake things up a bit. Take a different route to work, try out a new restaurant, or make your own gourmet picnic to eat outdoors. Try to vary your work or domestic tasks, even if it’s just switching around your usual order. Little shifts like this can change your perspective and pull you out of any unpleasant rut that you may find yourself in.

Laughing more also helps too. Even if you haven’t felt much like laughing lately, there are things you can do to bring a smile back to your face. One of my favorite ways is to watch a funny show on the telly or to read a humorous book. There’s a Yoga exercise that requires taking a deep breath and then laughing out loud as hard as you can. It may sound surprising, but you won’t believe how calming it is. Studies show that laughing helps boost our immune system and lower our stress levels. Those are definitely two great reasons to laugh as much as possible!

Another idea to bring fun back into your life is trying something new and challenging. Sign up for a class of some sort with a friend, even if it’s an online one. Look for a fun outdoor activity or spend an afternoon at a miniature golf course. The key is to find something you haven’t done before and then approach it with the goal to have fun. By choosing activities where nothing is riding on the outcome, you can focus on enjoying the experience rather than worrying about how well you do things.

These suggestions are ways to help shake up your routine, while having a little fun in the process. And while you’re at it, take time to notice all the wonder around you. Pay attention to how many things you enjoy doing each day, things you may do automatically or may have begun to take for granted. Be mindful of them and see how your experience changes. I hope that you’ll try some of these uplifting activities. It makes a big difference when we stop to count our blessings and work on creating an attitude of gratitude. We experience a lot more fun and joy in the process. Believe me!

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The Security Council Fails the World on Nordstream

Alfred de Zayas' Human Rights Corner


MARCH 31, 2023

After the thorough, coherent and credible investigation conducted by Seymour Hersh[1]of the sabotage of Nordstream, any tribunal under the rule of law would commence an investigation of the terroristic bombing. Indeed, in the United States any grand jury would find that the evidence already in the public domain suffices to indict the suspect for the crime and open formal criminal proceedings,a fortioriin the absence of any credible evidence to the contrary.

The investigations conducted by Seymour Hersh constitute a solid basis to justify the establishment of an independent international investigation. Such an investigation would require the consent of those countries whose territorial sovereignty extends over the area where the explosions took place, namely Sweden and Denmark.

Sweden’s obligations vis-à-vis the world

Sweden has already carried out an investigation and should have voluntarily shared the results with the United Nations…

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In honor of the spring season, this week I’d like to talk about one of life’s small pleasures that can actually provide quite a bit of satisfaction: Houseplants. Have you ever noticed how houseplants make a décor warmer and more inviting? There’s something lively and comforting about a room with sunlight and green plants. That’s because they’re alive and have a presence!

Feng Shui, the Chinese practice of creating harmony in the spaces we inhabit, recommends using houseplants to generate positive energy around us. If you haven’t noticed this already, start paying attention to the feelings you get when you encounter plants in places such as hospitals, schools, and other institutions.

There are actually many benefits to having plants around us. For starters, plants take in the air around them, clear it of some of the airborne toxins and then replenish the environment with oxygen. Peace lilies, bamboo, palms, aloe plants, and spider plants are thought to be especially effective at cleansing and refreshing the air of unpleasant toxic chemicals and giving off more oxygen. Studies have also shown that plants have a positive physiological effect over us. They can provide relief from anxiety, lower blood pressure, and add a general sense of well-being to your life.

Plants in schools and work environments have been credited for boosting productivity, shortening reaction time, increasing spatial perceptions, and building concentration. Students who study with plants nearby are more likely to feel more comfortable, while people working in offices and areas surrounded by plants tend to enjoy their jobs more than those who work in more sterile environments.

Personally, I think the nicest thing about plants is the simple fact of having these living, green organisms growing in my home and office. I hope you too are enjoying the calming and pleasant benefits of your own houseplants. But if you haven’t been exercising your green thumb, maybe it’s time to get your hands a little dirty and put a few pots around your home. It’s a nice way to celebrate spring!

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There is no doubt that cats make good companions (even though many dog lovers might not agree), but history shows the contrary. Archaeologists can date domesticated cats back to the Ancient Egyptians, who lived over 3,000 years ago! Who knows what fascination early mankind had with these animals?

I’ll leave such big questions to the historians and stick to a more personal reign. I am and have always been a cat lover, and the proud owner of two adorable felines, Phoebe and Rufus. Phoebe especially is very people-oriented, often greeting me at the door for a tummy rub, and she loves to sit in my lap when I’m working at my computer. My furry friends are sometimes lively, sometimes lazy, but never boring. In fact, on the contrary, I find them extremely entertaining and sometimes almost mesmerizing.

Have you ever watched a cat chasing a string or a moving light ray reflecting off a piece of jewelry or glass? This simple little pastime can be a tremendous source of amusement and stimulation for these animals. It makes you wonder what’s going on in their heads! Usually, the interest is short-lived, but while they’re in the middle of it, they exhibit focus and determination… and nothing else seems to matter!

I envy this kind of abandon. I know from my own personal experience and from working with clients that we humans have a much more difficult time separating ourselves from our current worries and preoccupations, and the moment we happen to be living. As a consequence, we often forfeit the daily joys of our own lives. This is certainly one lesson we take from our four-legged furry friends.

While I have a personal preference for felines (as this week’s message clearly shows) I know that dogs can be equally adorable and lovable. Both make for loyal companions, and we’re fortunate to have them by our side, especially in these unsettling times. If you have a pet at home, give them an extra hug this week and tell them how lucky you are to have them!

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The promise of warmer days can be thrilling as the Spring Equinox heads closer. I hope we’re all geared up to venture out into the world when there is so much out there (Nature, fresh air, familiar as well as new faces!) to take in for our heads and hearts. Spending time outdoors in a natural environment with fresh air and sunlight is very important to our sense of well-being and that’s my message to you this week.

I’m not here to tell you how you should do that. That’s up to you and what makes you feel best. But I do want to remind you of the many benefits that being around Mother Nature can bring when that warmer weather beckons us all to take advantage of it. Whether you opt to visit a nature trail, park, beach, lake or river, or you just decide to sit in your own backyard, you can reap many health benefits. Our Vitamin D levels improve with exposure to natural sunlight. Our blood pressure and stress levels go down, our moods are lifted, and our immune systems are strengthened just by being out in nature. Mother Nature even helps us to heal more quickly, both mentally and physically. It almost sounds too good to be true!

Now that this new season is upon us and we all want to be healthier, my suggestion is to get outside as much as you can. Hear birds singing again, or see crocuses and daffodils breaking through the ground and buds forming on the trees. Mother Nature’s gifts should surely lift your spirits and stimulate you both mentally and physically.

Spring is about transition and growth! And I want you to take advantage of all opportunities coming your way.

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I’m sure that you’ve heard the expression, “What you see is what you get.” In my experience, this is a relevant point when it comes to attracting the things we desire in life. That’s because what we choose to see and focus on is likely to come to pass! Many of my clients have heard me talk about the value of visualizations to increase health, attract wealth, and improve relationships. With the way the planets are behaving now, I thought that it would be a good idea to touch on this subject.

The idea of using visualization to attract desired items or situations is not a new one. Visionaries like Dale Carnegie and Oprah Winfrey used it and even celebrities such as Jim Carrey, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Olympic athlete Lindsey Vohn practiced it as well. They understood the power of visualizing what you want and where you want to go. They shared this message with the public, and over time their knowledge bore fruit for many who tried and benefited from their techniques. Visualizations have become a popular, simple, and effective method for manifesting what you want to come to pass.

Goals can be achieved through visualization, and it’s a relatively simple technique to take on. You just need to take the time on a regular basis to imagine things you want to have happen in your life as if they have already come to pass. And you can combat pesky, negative thoughts by replacing them with visions of what you desire to create.

Let me give you an example. If you want a new car, visualize the car in your mind’s eye or picture it in your driveway. Then make your visualization even stronger by imagining yourself in the driver’s seat, feeling the luxury of the seats, enjoying the fabulous sound system, inhaling that satisfying new car smell, and enjoying the feeling of acceleration and handling of the vehicle. By making your experience as full and complete as possible, you’ll be putting your desire out there.

And be sure to thank the Universe before you receive whatever it is that you desire. Acting as if you already have it and expressing gratitude actually increases the power of your visualizations even more!

I hope you’ll try this visualization technique. It’s not about magic, but about believing that you can get what you want if you work hard enough for it.

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A Vision for a Full LifespanI See a World Where: no human being leaves this Earth before his/her time; where everyone – every man, woman and child, regardless of creed, color or country – gets to live out his/her life to its natural entirety, without it being interfered with by any other human being or entity. I See a World Where: no animal leaves before its time; where every living creature is allowed to live out its natural life to its fullest completion, without it being interfered with by any other being; where the lion has literally laid down with the lamb. And I See a World Where: no living being – be it a sun, a planet, a bug or a begonia – has its natural, organic lifespan cut short by any other being; where everything in and under the sun and stars and beyond is allowed to finish out its life to its natural full completion. Period.

(Oh, you may ask: how can we possibly exist without taking other’s life for our own sustenance? And the answer is: That’s where we’re headed. You and me. Whether we know it or not, we’ll all eventually be building a light body which doesn’t need dense food to eat. The more respectful and less harmful we are here and now, the lighter we become. Indeed, those who are meek, gentle and respectful of all living creatures are becoming lighter in the exact same degree to which they have stopped interfering with the lifespans of their fellow travelers.)
TB 7/21/21

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A Vision for Letting Go of the “How” and the “How Long”We see a world where it has become crystal clear to everyone that we don’t know “How” the things we’re intending for are going to manifest for us; likewise, we have also realized that we are sabotaging our ability to manifest when we seek to figure out how our dreams and desires are coming to us; and that, as a result of letting go of the “How”, we have opened the door, both personally and collectively, for things to come to us from unanticipated sources.

We also see a world where we’re no longer setting time limits for “How Long” we think it will take for the things we’ve intended to come to us. Now we understand that this is just another version of us wanting to out-guess the wondrous wisdom of the Universe as She loves us and guides our way. Now we see that the Universe knows better for us than we know for our ego-based selves. And we are more aware than ever before that we can never know exactly “How” or “How Long” our manifestations will take – and therefore, we are no longer short-circuiting the magical mechanics of the Universe by trying to set up any expected avenues or predetermined time parameters for our creations.

Accordingly, we are now free to allow the Universe to bring us the best possible outcome we can imagine in every situation we encounter because we’re no longer interfering with the natural, organic flow of our creations. Now that we’ve let go of the “How and the “How Long”, all we have to do is remain alert and be open, moment by moment by moment, to receive all that we have asked for. 

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