“You’re one connection away from being able to change your life.”
Author, Larry Bennett

Your action for today is to identify three people you want to meet that could add value to your business or personal life and write an intention to have that happen.




“The difference between being the chess player and the pawn is playing a game on a relatively nonserious level and being all the seriousness there is—that’s the pawn. The pawn is handled on the board by somebody else. The pawn is not cause; the pawn moves as it is moved by the environment, and that’s all it’s moved. And it’s a very serious pawn.”





“Good habits result from resisting temptation.”
Ancient Proverb

Your action for today is to find a healthier alternative to what you typically eat. For example choose to substitute fruit for dessert.

About catherinehislop

I am the Founder of Global Unity Harmony Foundation
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